Applications for these grants –which aim to encourage research mobility and doctoral student visits to other universities and research centres – can be submitted until 10th December 2021.
The University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria’s Social Council, in collaboration with the University’s Doctoral School, have launched an invitation for grant applications from students enrolled on doctoral programmes for the current 2021-2022 academic year.
Specifically, the Social Council will allocate a budget of 31,200 euros to fund a total of 26 grants. These aim to foster research mobility and doctorate student visits, of at least one month, to other universities and research centres, in addition to fostering the participation of ULPGC students in conferences or other scientific meetings which contribute to increasing their interaction with national and international specialists with the aim of presenting the results of their doctoral research.
In the official announcement of the grants, the ULPGC Social Council and Doctoral School have explained that the students who are eligible for the grants are those in at least the second year of their doctorate who also meet a minimum average grade. Specifically, the Social Council expects to award grants of 1,200 euros each to two students from each of the following doctoral programmes:
• Doctorate in Language and Literature Studies within their Sociocultural Contexts.
• Doctorate in Applied Research in Social Sciences.
• Doctorate in Tourism, Economics, and Management.
• Doctorate in the Atlantic Islands: History, Heritage, and Institutional Legal Framework.
• Doctorate in Chemical, Mechanical, and Manufacturing Engineering.
• Doctorate in Oceanography and Global Change.
• Doctorate in Animal Health and Food Safety.
• Doctorate in Telecommunications Technology and Computational Engineering.
• Doctorate in Territory and Society: Historical Evolution in a Tricontinental Space.
• Doctorate in Sustainable Aquaculture and Marine Ecosystems.
• Doctorate in Business, the Internet, and Communication Technology.
• Doctorate in Biomedical Research.
• Doctorate in Environmental Quality and Natural Resources.
The ULPGC Social Council is funding these grants, aware of the importance that the education of doctoral students has in facilitating their future professional and research path and in improving the internationalisation of the ULPGC. These grants are therefore compatible with others awarded by the State, regional governments, or the ULPGC, except when these are for undertaking doctoral visits outside of the Canary Islands during the same period as that funded by this grant.
The rules and the invitation for grant applications can be consulted on the Doctoral School website, by clicking here (only in spanish).